Press Releases
PDF Reducer Press Releases
PDF Reducer Press Releases
ORPALIS is pleased to announce the release of a new major-version of the popular PDF compression software, the PDF Reducer. New features and highly improved performances of the engine are now available.
Muret, France, April 20th, 2016.
ORPALIS’s constant R&D work always results in innovations. In the case of PDF Reducer v.3, one of these innovations can be seen in the dramatically increased speed of the size-reducing engine. PDF Reducer version 3 is now 100% faster than PDF Reducer 2.0.
Documents are not only being downsized to a minimum size twice as fast but the output documents now have an even better reading quality.
The Professional Edition of PDF Reducer version 3 (PDF Reducer Pro, Desktop and Server) now allows nearly 100 file formats in input mode. Among them: raster images formats such as TIFF, JPEG, PNG, JPEG 2000 and RAW camera formats. Prior conversion of image-formats to the PDF-format before compression is no longer needed. A real productivity booster!
The automatic color detection feature has been enhanced in terms of both accuracy and speed.Automatic color detection allows users to scan batches of any kind of documents (black/white, greyscale or colored) under the color-scan mode. It automatically detects the original color-type of each document (black/white, greyscale or coloured) thus allowing re-encoding it under its best fitted bits-per-pixel (bpp) encoding. This provides the best quality for the smallest possible file size.
An important part of ORPALIS’s product-developing culture is to always listen to its users’ requests. So starting with PDF Reducer v.3, the compressed (output) PDF files now retain the date of the original input file. This is an important requirement for document-archiving purposes.
Minor bugs have been corrected.
With the release of PDF Reducer version 3, a new website has been launched, too.
ORPALIS PDF Reducer is used by millions of people worldwide at work, at school and at home. Users can now find everything needed (like information on all features, free download, FAQ, sales details and contact, version history, support) regarding the innovative ORPALIS PDF Reducer, in a single point: its dedicated website, located at pdfreducer.orpalis.com.
The French version of the website will be available before the end of the year.
ORPALIS is specialized in automating large-scale document-based processes and document imaging.ORPALIS is creator, developer and owner of the comprehensive document imaging toolkit series released under the brand "GdPicture", which is now a worldwide known and respected leader in imaging technologies. More than 12,000 developers based in over 70 countries have included GdPicture components in their applications. In 2011 ORPALIS releases PaperScan, marking the beginning of a new line of products meant for end-users.PDF Reducer is launched in 2013. In 2015 a most powerful universal HTML5 viewer and document management kit called DocuVieware is made available to the public. The same year a software tool for converting documents into PDF/OCR, the ORPALIS PDF OCR, is launched.
www.orpalis.com / www.gdpicture.com / www.docuvieware.com
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