End-User License Agreement
End-User License Agreement
1.1. This agreement is a license agreement between you and ORPALIS (the "Author") for the use of any ORPALIS PDF Reducer Edition ("the software") you have either downloaded to use as freeware (Cloud Edition) or have purchased or downloaded for evaluation purposes (On-Premises Editions).
1.2. We, ORPALIS (the "Author") reserve the right to modify at whenever required time, the content of this Agreement (EULA).
1.3. You accept this Agreement by checking the “I accept the terms in the License agreement” box during the installation process of ORPALIS PDF Reducer.
1.4. By using ORPALIS PDF Reducer, either by using its Cloud Edition version or by purchasing any of the commercial Editions versions, you agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
1.5. This agreement is the entire agreement between you and us, ORPALIS (the "Author") and supersedes any other communication or advertising with respect to ORPALIS PDF Reducer. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
2.1. ORPALIS PDF Reducer is available under 2 different Editions:
2.2. Commercial versions (PDF Reducer On-Premises Editions) allow users to automate PDF Reducer features via scripting or to integrate PDF Reducer features into own applications, therefore On-Premises Editions are licensed for Desktop or for Server and volume licensing is provided.
One Desktop license allows use of PDF Reducer On-Premises Edition on one desktop machine (all Windows desktop OS starting with Vista).
One Server license allows use of PDF Reducer On-Premises Edition on one server machine ( all Windows Server OS starting with Server 2003-SP2).
2.3. The way Support is provided for each ORPALIS PDF Reducer Edition is described in Chapter (7) of this EULA.
3.1. Features not existing in PDF Reducer Cloud Editions but made available in Commercial Editions (command line interface (CLI) support, process multithreading and unlimited batch processing with no nag screen) do not require evaluation and therefore, the Cloud Editions of ORPALIS PDF Reducer are to be considered as evaluation versions of ORPALIS PDF Reducer On-Premises Editions. 3.2. Cloud Editions of PDF Reducer may be freely distributed. (4) COMMERCIAL LICENSING AND ACTIVATION 4.1. Commercial license of ORPALIS PDF Reducer allows users to install, use, access, display and run one copy of the Software on a single computer, such as a workstation, terminal or other device ("Workstation Computer") running a legally licensed copy of the Operating System for which ORPALIS PDF Reducer was designed (eg. Windows Vista, Windows-7, Windows-8, Windows-10, Windows Server 2003-SP2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012). 4.2. Legally purchased ORPALIS PDF Reducer licenses are for lifetime and entitles license owner to free updates for medium/minor sub-versions of the purchased major version. Major version upgrades are not free. 4.3. ORPALIS PDF Reducer licenses have to be activated, as a Digital Rights Management (DRM) method to fight piracy and to ensure that the software is registered to the correct end-user. ORPALIS PDF Reducer license activation is done online, via internet connection. 4.4. Licenses are non-transferable between users. Therefore, if an organization has "n" users who will use ORPALIS PDF Reducer, then it requires "n" licenses. 4.5. You are not allowed to disclose your ORPALIS PDF Reducer license key(s) to third parties or to other people. 4.6. You are not allowed to sell or distribute your registered ORPALIS PDF Reducer license key(s) to other people. 4.7. You are not allowed to disclose your license key(s) on a public web page. 4.8. You may not rent, lease, sub-license or transfer ORPALIS PDF Reducer copies, documentation, license keys or your rights under this license. 4.9. We, ORPALIS, (The "Author") reserve the right to change commercial licenses pricing, without notice, at any time. (5) ORPALIS PDF REDUCER UPGRADES 5.1. Legitimate ORPALIS PDF Reducer license owners are entitled to free medium/minor ORPALIS PDF Reducer sub-version upgrade of their purchased major version (ex:, if you've purchased a ORPALIS PDF Reducer version 1.x.y. you will be able to upgrade for free to any future sub-versions including 1.9.9). No new license key will be required for such upgrade. 5.2. Commercial ORPALIS PDF Reducer major version upgrade is not free (ex: owning a 1.x.y version will not entitle you to free upgrade to 2.0.0 version) therefore a new license key (or an upgrade key) purchase will be required to unlock the newly released major version. (6) USE OF THE SOFTWARE 6.1. You may not alter, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer ORPALIS PDF Reducer. 6.2. You may not remove or alter our copyright notices. 6.3. You are not allowed to use our name, nor our products names, logos or trademarks to market your application without our prior, written consent. (7) TECHNICAL SUPPORT 7.1. Technical support is available for the current major version only. We, ORPALIS (the "Author") reserve the right to stop supporting previous version products after a new major version is released. 7.2. Technical Support is free for all sub-versions of the current major ORPALIS PDF Reducer version release. Owners of Commercial Editions get technical support via the Helpdesk. Response time depends on the complexity of the reported issue and/or the completeness of provided information for investigation/reproducing purposes (ex: files generating the issue, screenshots, hardware/software environment information, and so forth). (8) COPYRIGHT All titles, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to ORPALIS PDF Reducer and any copies thereof are owned by ORPALIS or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of ORPALIS PDF Reducer is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by ORPALIS. (9) EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES EXCEPT FOR THE PRIOR EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTIES, THE AUTHOR MAKES, AND YOU RECEIVE, NO WARRANTIES (EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR ANY OTHER KIND OF WARRANTIES) OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO ADDITIONAL WARRANTIES (EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR ANY OTHER KIND OF WARRANTIES) CAN BE CREATED BESIDES THOSE EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT, IN ANY COMMUNICATION BETWEEN YOU AND THE AUTHOR, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN. THE AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, COMPLETELY SECURE OR ERROR-FREE. IN NO EVENT WILL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, LOST PROFITS, COST OF COVER OR OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE LICENSE FEE REFLECTS THIS ALLOCATION OF RISK. (10) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event shall ORPALIS be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost information) rising out of 'Authorized Users' use of or inability to use ORPALIS PDF Reducer, even if ORPALIS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will ORPALIS be liable for loss of data or for indirect, special, incidental, consequential (including lost profit), or other damages based in contract, tort or otherwise. ORPALIS shall have no liability with respect to the content of ORPALIS PDF Reducer or any part thereof, including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel, infringements of rights of publicity, privacy, trademark rights, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy, moral rights or the disclosure of confidential information. (11) TERMINATION Without prejudice to any other rights, ORPALIS may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of ORPALIS PDF Reducer in your possession.